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Apr 21, 2021

Strap in, folks. This was a very interesting ride. This week, Daniel sat down with Magician Lindsey Noel to talk about creating theme acts, working in the Burlesque world, working as half of "A Couple of Magicians", Strange Turns of Phrase, and so much more. It should go without saying but warning, there's some naughty language here. 

To find out more about Lindsey Noel, go to:
Or Follow Her on Twitter at: @LindseyNoel_

Or Instagram at: @LindseyNoelMagic

Or on Facebook at:

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A big thank you to Enter the Haggis for our new opening theme!  Go check them out! (They Rock!)
And to find Daniel & Vanessa's most recent show dates:

Use offer code GREENWOLFCAST for 50% off tickets to our net lecture and show!

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