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Dec 29, 2020

We close out 2020 with the perfect combination of silliness and sincerity with Renaissance Faire Performer and NPR News Anchor Jack Lepiarz, also known as Jacques Ze Whipper!

Daniel sits down with him and they talk about performing in Renaissance Faires, Guinness World Records, what it means to be people's physical cup...

Dec 21, 2020

"It's totally a secret because I'm sharing it on a podcast."

This week, Daniel sat down via the interwebs with Mind-Reader , Mentalist, Magician, Lecturer, Writer, and all-around awesome guy Joe Diamond.

They talk about Magic History, Racists, Theatrical Disclaimers, Over-Intense Believers, Magic Documentaries, and...

Dec 13, 2020

"I don't care what they call me, I just want them to call me back."

This week, Daniel and Vanessa sit down with Magician, Mentalist, Artist, Performer, and all-around awesome human Joey Vazquez (with a few special pop-ins by fellow creator of the Dark Cabaret, Magician Joseph Daniels). Joey and the crew talk about...

Dec 3, 2020

This episode, Daniel gets to talk to Bubble Magician Meadow Perry and they talk about doing virtual shows, Working with Broadway Actor Bob Fitch, the strange upsides of the apocalypse, Mansplaining Magicians and more. Don't miss it!

Also, don't miss Meadow's show Meadow Perry: Bubble Magic going on December 4th at...

Nov 21, 2020

"Being a Jack of All Trades, Master of None is fine as long as you don't show people the None!"

This episode, Daniel Sits down with the Award-Winning and very awesometastic Magician Adam Parisi and they talk about Comic Books, Comedy, Bettering your Magic in a Pandemic world, why so many TikTok Magicians suck, what...